Friday, February 1, 2008

Super Tuesday is coming- get out your sample ballots!

Super Tuesday is coming and California has a chance to actually participate and matter this time around. Candidates are all over the state (though we always get ignored up here!) and really making a push for California delegates.

My thoughts? I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Peace and Freedom or whatever. You HAVE to vote. It is your civic duty and responsibility as an American to vote. And frankly, if you don't vote, you can't bitch about it later. If you feel like there aren't any candidates you can support, at least write in someone you can.

If you're in Sacramento County- click on the following links if you need help election day:
Polling Place Lookup
Absentee Instructions
Election Day Info

Not sure who to vote for yet or need research? Visit Project Vote Smart for biographies, voting records and campaign finance information.

Just a reminder, in California, if you are a registered Independent or a Decline to State voter, you can ask for a Democratic ballot. If you don't, you can only vote on propositions this time around. The Republicans do not let others vote in their primaries so you're out of luck there. If you want to vote in the Democratic Primary, you have to ask when you check in for a Democratic ballot.

This year I feel really inspired and can't stop telling all my friends about Barack Obama. I worked for the Clintons in 1996 in their women's outreach office and on the inaugural committee in DC. But Hillary just isn't convincing me that she has Bill under control or that she is ready to take on the world. Plus the crying? Ugh. Yeah that'll work well in meeting with Musharraf. Obama has the power to inspire and motivate millions of Americans to make our country great again. He had it right on the war from the beginning. He knows what it takes to get things done and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. I'd be proud to have him as our President.

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