Monday, June 23, 2008

Join PunditMom and the $27 election revolution

$27 buys you about 7 Happy meals or grande iced lattes. It will buy you a half a month of cell phone service, two months of Netflix rentals, a good book from Amazon or a cheap dinner at a local ethnic food restaurant. It will put six gallons of gas in your 15 gallon tank.

Or you can change the world. Simple huh? Money talks in politics no matter how much hope, change, idealism or fanaticism gets pumped into the system. It's all about the money in the end.

PunditMom is working on just that idea. If women (and men and anyone who cares!) took just $27 and poured it into a candidate he/she believed in, we could really and truly change the world. Maybe you don't have a presidential candidate who has won your heart and you're not excited about whether it's going to be Johnson or Fargo for mayor. You don't have to be- you can find the one person that makes YOU excited about the world and gives you hope again. Perhaps it's a local school board candidate, an assembly candidate who is down in the polls or your next door neighbor who would be amazing at any office but doesn't think he can pay for it.

Cough up your $27. So you stay home from Target once this week. You can do it.

I did.

PunditMom Change

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