Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Whales head back to the ocean

Thank goodness the whales have finally headed back and are almost clear of the San Pablo Bay. If you're one of the thousands of people who flocked to the delta to harass the whales, I hope you can ask yourself honestly "Was it necessary?" Was Discovery Channel not good enough? These poor whales got lost and while we'll never know, probably stayed lost due to human intervention. Noise, boats, pollution, even porta-potties could have stalled the whales' return to the open ocean.

Those of you who ran out there dragging your kids in tow, are you the same ones that bought organic foods, canvas bags and environmentally friendly lightbulbs because Oprah said so? I'm fairly certain that driving your gas-guzzling SUV out to the unpaved delta roads, was not what she had in mind for conservation. I was appalled at the amount of trash, the greed-grubbing entrepreneurs who made is easy with water and snack sales, the security and manpower required to contain the crowd.

Worse, it appears that local news seems to have forgotten we're in the middle of a war. While I like a happy story now and then, the obsession with the whales has somehow overpowered the reason of the news directors. Do more than about 50 Americans know we are in talks with Iran?

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