Monday, June 11, 2007

The one local political event you NEED to care about

Love him or hate him, Michael Moore has a new movie and a new agenda. Do you have health insurance? Are you sure they'd cover you in the event of a catastrophe? What about if you needed life-saving but experimental treatment? You may believe that because you have insurance, you're not one of "them". I'm sorry to say, you are one of "them". If you have to fight your insurance company, it is a long, dark and lonely road and frankly, you may be dead before you find the path that leads the right direction.

Tomorrow, Michael Moore will testify in front of the CA State Senate, followed by a rally on the west steps. If you hated Moore's other films, that's okay. You still need to see "Sicko" to truly understand the downside of our healthcare system in the USA. While insured Americans are dying, pharmaceutical companies are turning in record profits, for-profit health care is booming and people who bought and paid for insurance are being denied care.

If nothing else, Mr. Moore has brought an issue to the forefront that needs to be discussed. 47 million Americans don't have insurance at all. They at least know they'll have to fight for healthcare. But what about you?

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