Friday, March 28, 2008

KJ's on the cover of Sactown

If you haven't seen it yet, you have go out right now and get a copy of Sactown Magazine for this month. Kevin Johnson is not only on the cover but there is an excellent, in-depth piece about his history and campaign goals in the middle. We are more convinced than ever that KJ for mayor is the best idea we've heard around town since The Towers project was floated.

Does it mean Johnson is perfect? No. We have some concerns still about properties in Oak Park that have been left relatively unattended. But one man cannot do everything on his own and essentially, the city has left Oak Park to him.

Johnson brings change, hope and idealism to the city. He is bold and not afraid to ask, with friends in high places. He personally begged Howard Schultz to open a Starbucks in Oak Park and promises to bring big dollars and big names to town. We're in love with his plan to actually use our rivers to our advantage a-la San Antonio and Portland, instead of ignoring them. We are inspired by his plans to develop downtown faster and we believe that he will not take no for an answer.

Most impressive is Johnson's commitment to education and his follow-thru. This is not a guy who talks big and then disappears. St. Hope has made a major difference in the lives of nearly 2,000 kids- kids who Sac City Unified was not serving to the best of their abilities. Earlier this year, in partnership with the M.I.N.D. Institute and UC Davis School of Education, St. Hope opened the Triumph Center for Early Childhood Education. This center effectively makes it possible for kids from 3 to 18 to benefit from St. Hope's extraordinary vision.

You have just a few weeks to make up your mind for mayor. Get Sactown's April/May issue and we're certain it won't take you that long.

It's nearly Jazz Jubilee time and boy do we have a great surprise for visitors!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's nearly that time for Memorial Day weekend's Sacramento Jazz Jubilee. Nearly 70,000 visitors will come to Sacramento for probably our most famous event. The Jubilee has added 5 new venues on the K Street mall this year!

Now if you're not a jazz fan, this is a perfect weekend to flee town as fast as possible. 2008 is shaping up to be the worst- make reservations and get out of here now! Why?

News and radio keep saying that the Fix I-5 boat section project is scheduled to begin in late May. We see on the Fix I-5 website that they are going to make sure the downtown sections are open during the Jubilee. However, they don't say specifically when construction will begin or when the "set-up" will happen. Considering their press conference right by the boat section on March 17th about 30 min before the St. Patrick's day parade in Old Sac completely messed up traffic for at least an hour, I have little faith that they're going to think this one all the way through.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Things to do around town this weekend

Looking for something fun and different- we've got ideas for you!

See great Shakespeare without the Ashland prices- Natomas Charter School's Performing and Fine Arts Academy does MacBeth this weekend. General admission is $16 and group discounts for 5 or more tickets is 15% off. Support local theatre and be truly wowed by the talent of high school students. You'll think you're in a professional productino.

Hear beautiful music- Catch the Regina Carter quintet. If jazz and classical violin is your style, you should be at Mondavi Center tomorrow evening.

Watch robot wars- If violins aren't your style but you still want to go to Davis this weekend, check out the FIRST robotics competition at UC Davis.

Hunt for eggs- Take the kids out and hunt for eggs at local parks. Or go really nuts and head to Rancho Cordova for a huge egg hunt, live music, craft fair and more.

Sample a spot of tea- at the Fair Oaks Library. If you have the kids, check out one of the many library storytimes at libraries around the region.

Friday, March 7, 2008

KJ's in and Fargo swings and misses

Kevin Johnson is officially in the race. Heather Fargo takes a swing and misses widely. And so the mayorial race for Sacramento begins.

We're still working on an in-depth profile of Johnson that we should have completed soon. In the meantime, here are some important links.

A map and listing of KJ's Oak Park Properties

Ongoing stories relating to Kevin Johnson:
October 2007 Neglected Properties
October 2007 Triumph School for Early Childhood Education
December 2007 Sac High keeps its charter

Important Links:
Sac High
St. Hope Schools
St. Hope Development

My biggest concern is that Fargo has already gone negative. Doesn't Sacramento deserve a campaign that focuses on the issues, based in fact and reality and gives voters a true picture of the candidates? Fargo needs to get a campaign manager who will fact check everything that goes out the door. We're a few days into a campaign and inaccuracies, incomplete stories and misrepresentation of the truth are already leaking out. Let's talk issues. Let's talk flood control, crime, development of the railyard and North Natomas, doing something about K Street and the big holes downtown. Let's talk about educating Sacramento's kids who are falling behind their counterparts in other cities and states.

Mayor Fargo, if you want to talk about personal fallacies, you'd better make sure you can back it up with fact and can accept the same in return. It goes both ways. Don't go all Hillary on us whining about how people are picking on you and then plant lies in the media about your opponent.