Friday, October 17, 2008

The message of personal responsibility

What's wrong with Natomas? What's wrong with Sacramento? This country? What are you doing about it? We've discussed the topic of personal responsibility often on but it has resurfaced again and I think it's worthy of a post here as well.

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Barack Obama. But his message of personal responsibility is party-less and should be one that every single American is listening to right now. Is it weird that I, as a staunch Democrat, am also hugely in favor of personal responsibility? Probably some would think so. But really, from my perspective, government's job is to give a hand up not a hand forever. You've hit rock bottom? Government will give you a little help but it's not forever, it's not guaranteed and you'd better give back.

I see so many neighbors complaining about everything from gas prices to food prices, poor people to awful teenagers. But what are you DOING about it? Back in July I posted about keeping kids in school. It's a simple answer and yet many keep complaining without putting forth one second of energy or effort. Even for your own kids! When did it become the school's responsibility to take your child from 7am to 6pm, feed them, teach them about academics, morals, respect, ethics and social responsibility and then magically deliver them back to you at the end of a 5 day week all done up and perfect?

So you're busy... we're all busy. You will be busier when your 30 year old still lives at home and needs you to bail him/her out of jail. Or when your 25 year old has 3 kids by 3 different fathers and moves back home for help. Or loses job after job because he can't read above a 4th grade level. Isn't it worth it to put in 30 minutes a day now rather than later?

If you don't have kids, you're not off the hook in my book. Are you doing anything to improve your life and your community? If not- here's a list of community organizations who still need help. There are literally hundreds more.

But personal responsibility is more than that. You have to take a few seconds and think about your responsibility to yourself. The question is not do you need a $500K house on $3K a month income. The question should be "Can I afford this house and why do I need it?" Stop and ask yourself if buying your kids all that junk really shows that you love them? Or would everyone in your family be better off if you worked an hour a day less, bought less crap and ate baked potatoes at home one night a week.

So much of our current financial crisis is driven by wants rather than needs. People living well beyond their means. Sorry folks, drowning yourself in debt is not the "American Dream." You actually have to work hard for all those goodies. The 21st century is going to require all of us to take a little responsibility for our actions, our spending, our neighbors and our planet. Get off your duff, stop whining and do something!

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