Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Best wishes for 2009
Prediction #1- The major I-5 construction project will not be finished in 2008 and there will be major traffic consequences, leading to the funding of the DNA lightrail line.
Minus one for me- the I-5 construction project went off with barely a hitch, Sacramentans adjusted fine and the road has not collapsed, nor has the DNA line been funded in any way.
Prediction #2- Absolutely nothing will happen with the arena. Nothing.
I'll go with neutral on this one. I believe there is a finalized plan out there somewhere to move to Cal Expo but the discussions have really died down in light of the economy.
Prediction #3- Absolutely nothing will happen with K Street.
Plus one for me! Other than Mo Mohanna finally losing his spot, nothing has changed, as evidenced by this Sac Bee article.
Prediction #4- Arden Arcade will be successful in their Nov 2008 bid to become a city.
Wow. I missed this one by a mile. But there is renewed hope that a 2010 vote may happen. So maybe I'll add it to my 2010 list.
Prediction #5- Natomas will not flood this year
Out of great fear that I will jinx my house for the next week, I will not wrap this prediction up. However, we have successfully not flooded for 350 some odd days so that is a good sign.
Stay tuned for more crazy predictions for 2009.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Please shop locally!
You may read the above list and realize that many of those names are larger corporations. True. However, they employed local people from part-time teenagers to full-time employees who live right here in our community. Keeping the cash in our neighborhood keeps businesses open, neighbors employed and reduces crime. Don't drive out to the Galleria or to San Francisco this holiday season. Save the gas and keep your dollars local in your neighborhood.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Be Thankful and share your thanks
In this very moment, you can go to Joesacramento.com and chip in for holiday dinners for needy families. If you won't be having Thanksgiving this year because your family has hit hard times, email Joe and you may qualify for our help.
Loaves and Fishes-It doesn't take much to make the life of a homeless person a little brighter this season. Loaves and Fishes has a handy holiday wish list or you can donate online. It doesn't get much easier than that to help out and you don't have to leave your home.
Boys and Girls Club of Sacramento- Serving 6500 youth from ages 6 to 19 from all over Sacramento. They know what they’re doing and they do it well. You can volunteer with kids, teach classes, help with fundraising and auction materials and more.
Stanford Settlement- Right in our own backyard! Stanford Settlement is dangerously close to missing their budget required to stay open. Save a few lattes and help out the kids. They work hard to promote positive relationships for teens, give them a safe place to “hang out” and also provide emergency assistance, senior support and more.
Sacramento Children’s Home- Looking to meet a special child one on one and change the world one life at a time? This is it! Kids at the children’s home are lacking serious adult role models who can show them a way out of the horrid things they’ve seen. If that’s too personal, look at the wish list and buy something or volunteer for a special event.
Project Birthday- A one-time or repeat feel good warm fuzzy here! Throw a birthday party for a homeless child or a whole group! For $400 you can sponsor an entire party for 30 kids or you can donate supplies left from your kid’s last party.
Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services- Not just a food bank, SFBS provides family support, mother-baby classes, parenting classes, computer classes, clothing and supplies and much more. With over 800 volunteers, you know they’ll put you to work and value your committment. Can’t do it?
Hands On Sacramento- So it’s Friday and you have a few hours free tomorrow with no plans. What should you do? Visit this website and see who needs you right now for a few hours! Projects are short or long term and easily searchable by neighborhood, time and skills. If they don’t have something that fits your schedule, try Volunteer Match.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)- What happens when kids are caught in the middle? CASA steps in to find out what’s best for the child. You can be the first adult a child has ever experienced a positive relationship with. CASA provides the training, the materials and the support and you provide the loving heart to help.
Big Brothers Big Sisters- If you have a driver’s license, insured transportation and a big heart, you can be a big brother or big sister! Be the adult to hold an at-risk child accountable and you’ll see the rewards multiply.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Five Things KJ Needs to Do The First Month
#1- Immediately hire an outside auditor: Yes, it'll be expensive but any good auditor worth their weight in excel spreadsheets will more than pay for themselves. We need an immediate accounting of excess, waste and lost goods. Progress will come quickly with a specific accounting and budget of every resource in the city.
#2- Make his schedule and work product public: By public, I do not mean hidden buried under five search engines on the city website. I mean open and transparent. Residents need to know who gets his ear and his time.
#3- Demand a meeting with all superintendents in the city: Get everyone around one table and lay it out. We need real education change right now. Tell the superintendents they do not get more money or more goodies but they need innovation immediately. Ask them to each identify two things that they can change in their districts right now. Then expect them to do it.
#4- Call true short-term moratorium on housing in North Natomas and call a meeting with all interested Natomas stakeholders: It's time to get the North Natomas Community Plan straightened out for once and for all. KJ owes the residents here who put our faith in him. We need a real plan that doesn't involve drowning us in all the low and ultra-low housing that the city feels like building. We need a new transportation solution, a revised housing plan and a serious discussion on police and fire services.
#5- Meet with the City Council and high ranking City staff. Demand a level of civil discourse and decorum in dealing with the public. KJ needs to show great leadership in how he conducts City Council and other public meetings. He should demand that residents be treated with respect, decency and a thread of compassion. Residents should not be scolded, chastized or publically embarassed because the City Council can't take the heat of their own decisions.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes we did... Now go do something amazing!
I feel like I'm floating on cloud 9 today. A new Mayor, a new President and a new sense of hope, prosperity and the American Dream. It's it an amazing feeling? Keep the feeling going today and allow others to see the new sense of America. Join my family on the Run to Feed the Hungry.
Thanksgiving Day, Sacramento will fill up with more than 23,000 runners who all know that sometimes we need a little boost, a kick in the pants to work for that American Dream. The Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services is that kick in the pants. This isn't just any old give them food forever kind of program! People in need are taught computer skills, ESL, parenting and so many other life skills to give them a hand up, not a hand out.
Through the magic of community participation, volunteers and corporate sponsors, the Food Bank can turn $1 into $10 worth of services. That is really putting your money, time and energy to good use.
Take that feeling of hope, restored faith in our country and a dawn of a new day and sign up to Run to Feed the Hungry with me. If you can't run, you can walk the 5K or be a virtual team member. There are no good excuses. You'll even be home in time for turkey.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow is an historic day
If you don't vote you will miss your opportunity to speak out on these issues:
- Sacramento Mayoral Race
- Community College Funding (Measure M)
- Utility User Taxes (Measure O)
- Numerous School Board seats
- State Assembly Races
- Congressional Race
- State Propositions including: High Speed Rail, Children's Hospital Bonds, law enforcement funding, renewable energy requirements and funding, minor abortion waiting period and parental notification, veterans bonds and redistricting
Those of you in Natomas, please make your choices very carefully. If you were my best friend and we were sitting down to coffee, I'd caution you on the school board election in particular. Do you really want someone who is an incumbent, who sat through all the land deal mess and said nothing? Who says she has "learned her lesson" at the expense of our students? Sue Heredia has had eight years to learn her lesson and improve schools in Natomas. No thanks. I'll be picking 3 new school board members. Bruce Roberts, Patricia Adams and Briza Trujillo Cardenas have put in the time, energy and effort to make Natomas better. It's time we give them a shot where they can make a difference.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
The answer to Proposition 8
In theory, our government is supported by a political doctrine of separation of church and state. Yet marriage is still one area where religion and government are highly entwined, determining everything from pensions and inheritance to adoption and visitation. A church is still the primary officiant of weddings and the one determining who can and can't marry based on internal and external laws. The government determines who is married based often on what the church says, not based on local laws. Get a license, get it signed by your church officiant and you're good to go.
But what about those who don't attend church regularly or at all? Those who are not practicing the faith of their childhood and don't feel comfortable in a church? You have options too. You can have your ceremony performed in the county office or by a county official on the weekend. Or you can choose the option my family has chosen, a close friend ordained by the Universal Life Church. It's a complicated, entangled mess that makes for a lot of debate over a simple issue.
According to a 2006 study by the Pew Forum, a majority of Americans support the idea of civil unions for same-sex marriage. But they are not comfortable giving up their religious idea of marriage in exchange for equality and fairness for everyone. Since marriage is so intricately woven into the fabric of religion, why not reserve it for religion alone?
Our proposal is simple, easy and shouldn't cause any heartache for anyone. Separate the two issues. For all intents and purposes, civil unions would be required to obtain the current legal rights associated with marriage. But you wouldn't be married, you'd have a civil union. The religious aspects and morality issues would be left up to the church to determine. If your church lets gays marry, fine for you, if not, then find another church. The state would not discriminate and would allow civil unions for any committed couple who chose to do so.
So how does this work in reality? Essentially, the same as it does now, minus a step. In civil union world, you would go to the county recorder's office, obtain your civil union license, pay your money and consider yourself joined. Right now, you go to the office, get your license, have your church perform a ceremony and take it back to the county for filing. In our scenario, the church would still perform whatever ceremony you chose, without government interference or paperwork.
The best permanent solution to same-sex marriage is to simply remove religion from the process.
As for my husband and I? We would have chosen civil union anyway. I imagine many Americans would. Numerous studies and polls show that a majority of Americans do not attend church regularly. So let's leave the government out of marriage and truly separate church and state.
As an aside, New Zealand currently allows civil unions for heterosexual and same-sex couples. It does not appear to have ruined the country, destroyed morality or created a nation of heathens.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fun Harvest and Halloween Events!
Kid Friendly
*Ghost Tours* Friday 10/17, Saturday 10/18 and Friday 10/24, Saturday 10/25- Old Sacramento's creepy ghost tours feature Halloween-themed trains, streets with decorations and fun stories. Tours depart every 30 min, 6:30 to 8pm.
*Trick or Treat In Neverland* Friday, 10/24- Fairytale Town goes all out with a Neverland themed park, 17 trick or treat stations, entervainment and more. $10 at the door, 5 to 9pm Friday thru Sunday.
*Mansion After Dark* Friday, 10/24 and Saturday 10/25- Visit the Governor's Mansion, listen to spooky stories and much more. $5 for adults, $3 for kids 6 to 17, 6 to 8:30pm.
*Halloween Haunt* Saturday 10/25, Safetyville is decked out with great family activities including face painting, costumes, music, games and fortune telling. Dinger from the River Cats will be on hand to meet kids. 11am to 4pm at Safetyville USA.
*Boo at the Zoo* Friday, 10/31- Trick or treat at the Zoo for $6 in a safe, family friendly environment. 4:30 to 8pm.
*Ikea Trick or Treat* Friday, 10/31- Trick or treat at Ikea for free and get some shopping out of the way. 5 to 6pm
*Halloween Bounce* Friday, 10/31- Bounce, trick or treat and play at The Bounce Spot in West Sac. 5 to 10pm.
Adults Only
*Exotic Zone Ball* Saturday, 10/25- A Sacramento favorite of adults over 21 looking to wear their most exotic costumes. Tickets available for $33 in advance, $38 at the door.
The message of personal responsibility
It's no secret that I'm a fan of Barack Obama. But his message of personal responsibility is party-less and should be one that every single American is listening to right now. Is it weird that I, as a staunch Democrat, am also hugely in favor of personal responsibility? Probably some would think so. But really, from my perspective, government's job is to give a hand up not a hand forever. You've hit rock bottom? Government will give you a little help but it's not forever, it's not guaranteed and you'd better give back.
I see so many neighbors complaining about everything from gas prices to food prices, poor people to awful teenagers. But what are you DOING about it? Back in July I posted about keeping kids in school. It's a simple answer and yet many keep complaining without putting forth one second of energy or effort. Even for your own kids! When did it become the school's responsibility to take your child from 7am to 6pm, feed them, teach them about academics, morals, respect, ethics and social responsibility and then magically deliver them back to you at the end of a 5 day week all done up and perfect?
So you're busy... we're all busy. You will be busier when your 30 year old still lives at home and needs you to bail him/her out of jail. Or when your 25 year old has 3 kids by 3 different fathers and moves back home for help. Or loses job after job because he can't read above a 4th grade level. Isn't it worth it to put in 30 minutes a day now rather than later?
If you don't have kids, you're not off the hook in my book. Are you doing anything to improve your life and your community? If not- here's a list of community organizations who still need help. There are literally hundreds more.
But personal responsibility is more than that. You have to take a few seconds and think about your responsibility to yourself. The question is not do you need a $500K house on $3K a month income. The question should be "Can I afford this house and why do I need it?" Stop and ask yourself if buying your kids all that junk really shows that you love them? Or would everyone in your family be better off if you worked an hour a day less, bought less crap and ate baked potatoes at home one night a week.
So much of our current financial crisis is driven by wants rather than needs. People living well beyond their means. Sorry folks, drowning yourself in debt is not the "American Dream." You actually have to work hard for all those goodies. The 21st century is going to require all of us to take a little responsibility for our actions, our spending, our neighbors and our planet. Get off your duff, stop whining and do something!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
One thing you MUST do this week...
So what is a good American to do? Is this a time to just sit on your duff, drinking beer and complaining? A time to hang your head and figure it doesn't matter, nothing you do changes anything? Or is it time to make a difference, in some tiny way, change the course of events?
If you do nothing else patriotic, nothing else brave or interesting this week, you MUST REGISTER TO VOTE! I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat, Libertarian or Green. You have an opportunity to love your country, support your troops and be a proud American. Millions of people around the world wish they had our luxury of telling our government how we really feel.
In California, you must register by October 20th to vote and you have to sign the voter registration card in person! Request your voter registration today at the Sac County Elections Office website. You need to fill it out and return it to the Elections Office. Don't wait or you won't be able to vote November 4th.
If you don't register you will miss your opportunity to speak out on these issues:
- Sacramento Mayoral Race
- Community College Funding (Measure M)
- Utility User Taxes (Measure O)
- Numerous School Board seats
- State Assembly Races
- Congressional Race
- State Propositions including: High Speed Rail, Children's Hospital Bonds, law enforcement funding, renewable energy requirements and funding, minor abortion waiting period and parental notification, veterans bonds and redistricting
- President of the United States
So you're already registered? Ask 5 friends today if they are also registered. Don't talk politics, don't debate. Just ask if they're registered. If not, help them sign up.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Head for the hill-- Apple Hill!
Saturday, Sept 13th - Teddy Bear Picnic Carnival at Rainbow Orchards
Saturday, Sept 20th- Kids' Day at Kids Inc, Taste of Fall Harvest at Mother Lode Orchards,
Sunday, Sept 21st- Johnny Appleseed's Birthday- various locations
Saturday, Sept 27th- Opening Weekend at Grandpa's Cellar
Early October at Apple Hill is very festive with lots of Halloween/harvest activities, pick your own pumpkins and more. We'll highlight those towards the end of September.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Are You a Community Organizer?
Community organizing provides a way for disenfranchised people to speak out and make change. It opens doors that have been shut repeatedly. As the technology changes, community organizing changes to reflect the values of those it represents. Many bloggers are now community organizers who disseminate information to those who otherwise would not receive it. My buddy Joe Sacramento is a prime example of a 21st century organizer. Without his research, thoughtful commentary and insight, so many Sacramentans would still believe that Heather Fargo is the savior of our town.
I'm not embarrassed to be thrown in the category of community organizer. I'd rather be one with my community than mayor any day...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Palin in Comparison: Are all women interchangeable?
Here's my two cents in a nutshell: Sarah Palin is a smart, capable, intelligent and aggressive candidate who is perfectly capable of becoming the VP... someday. She's not ready now. She was not properly vetted by the McCain camp and it's coming back to bite them in the rears.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm a former opposition researcher. I spent an entire year digging through old newspaper archives, college yearbooks, tax records and even sitting on stakeout once to prove that someone didn't ever take residency where they said they lived. I've even been hired by someone to find out what secrets were easily available from his own past. This is what you do when you're running for office, even at a very local level.
So did the McCain camp think that they'd be able to keep secret Palin's 17 year old daughter's pregnancy? How about the ethics charges against Palin herself? Or her husband's drunk driving arrest? What about her very, very conservative policies that make even McCain look more moderate?
I'm insulted. The McCain camp obviously thinks that all female democrats are mad enough about Hillary not being on the ticket to throw all our values, all our positions and ideals out the window simply because she has two X chromosomes. Someone gave him bad advice to think that democrats would leap to a woman who is:
- Staunchly anti-choice, including cases of rape or incest
- Favors teaching creationism in science class
- Denies any evidence that global warming is man-made or that man has contributed
- Is suing the federal government to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list to build an oil pipeline
- Supports drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge
- Favors abstinence only education in schools
- Inexperienced in all matters of foreign policy- being "near Russia" doesn't count
- Opposes stem-cell research
- Opposes same-sex marriage
- Opposes government involved health care or government funding for health care
- Heavily tied into big oil
Democrats are not sexist... we won't vote for a woman just because she's a woman. We are not interchangeable. You have to earn your spot in our hearts and our pocketbooks. Nice try McCain.
If that's not enough, read more from bloggers around the country at Momocrats.com.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
No wi-fi for you!
It's no surprise that in today's economy, many of the technology giants pulled out of the deal. SMC estimated needing $15 million to get started plus ongoing costs to run the network. These costs were supposed to be supported by ads on the free network and supplemented by fees from the faster, ad-free network.
So now what? We'll have a good tally on our trees, a lost pile of water meters and no wi-fi. It seems that the City could have been far more proactive on this project and made a major difference. How much are we currently paying for network services for City and County buildings? Why not make a joint powers agreement with the state and blanket the entire downtown/midtown area? Many of these buildings are already using wireless repeaters so the startup cost of opening the network and adding a few firewalls would not be extensive.
Or we can keep on being almost but not quite as cool as San Francisco.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Rebuild Fort Natomas Pancake Breakfast
Rebuild Fort Natomas Pancake Breakfast
Applebee's Natomas Marketplace
8am to 10am
Satuday, August 8th
$6 per person for all you can eat pancakes!
Monday, July 28, 2008
A reason to love Sacramento--
Have you ever been to sleep-away camp? Well imagine that concept but for your whole family! We slept in little cabins, ate meals in a big dining hall, played fuseball in a lodge, sat around a campfire and sang silly songs and shared group bathrooms. Add to that archery for everyone, morning hikes, a trip to Lake Tahoe and snake catching in the creek and you have Camp Sacramento.
Because it's run by the city, the cost is affordable for most families and very reasonably within reach of your summer vacation budget. They provide recreation leaders for children's activities from ages 3 to teens. Adults have recreation activities too but I preferred to sit on the patio reading a book and soaking up the nice 80 degree sunshine.
Reservations open for next summer to the general public in September. Hope to see you there!
Monday, July 21, 2008
What keeps kids in school anyway?
I stumbled across an old Dept of Ed article called "Manual to Combat Truancy." This line in particular jumped out at me "I've never seen a gang member who wasn't a truant first," says California District Attorney Kim Menninger. Based on the crime stats in Natomas and ongoing problems as the economy sinks around the nation, we're obviously not doing enough to keep kids in school. The article has a few ideas of programs that have worked but none seem to focus on the real problem at hand: Why should kids care about staying in school?
The answer is simple to adults and complex to kids. If you have only seen your family treated poorly, suffered hunger, gone to school in clothes that were dirty, walked miles because you can't afford a bus pass, then you have low expectations. While working at an alternative school, I had a student who traded sexual favors for food from a neighbor. It was the only way to feed her 4 year old brother who was often left in her care for days or weeks on end. She came to school every day because it was the only bright light in her horrid life. This happens every day to kids right in our own neighborhood.
But those kids are a mere fraction of the statistics represented in Joe's report. The rest are simply kids that got left behind. I've seen undiagnosed learning disabilities that were so severe that kids in high school were still functioning at a 4th grade level. They worked so hard, for so little. I've seen others who had to work at night to help pay rent, others who failed year after year but got passed on anyway. I've seen gangsta kids who thought the streets had a better life with more money available to them. Do you know where I saw them all? SCHOOL.
And here's the simple answer. What keeps kids in school? Having an adult they trust who they believe cares about them. It's that simple. It can be a parent, teacher, family friend, pastor, principal, school counselor, even school safety officer. But they have to feel accountable to someone and feel like they matter. Will someone know if they don't show up at school? Will someone call their house and track them down? If not, one easy day turns into 100 then a failed exit exam then jail. It really is that simple.
You can throw money at the problem all day long but essentially, it boils down to time. I was lucky to be a teacher in two schools that encouraged me to give my heart and soul to my class and to take time. Miss a staff lunch because someone is crying in your classroom? No big deal. Want to plan a life-changing field trip with no money? We'll make it happen. Too many teachers are hog-tied by regulations, restrictions, low-esteem and the "no way it'll work" administration. Why do so many new teachers leave in the first five years? Because too many people tell them they can't change the world.
Second to that, schools need to have freedom to design a system that works for their students. Since Brown vs. Board of Education, a vastly different population of students has entered a system that was designed for wealthy white boys in the 1800s. The system hasn't changed to meet the needs of the students. Why do charter schools work? Because they are individualized to what a small group of students need. Our system needs to be more diverse, more understanding and more broadly defined, not less. If your student needs online school, homeschool, big classes, single-sex classes, alternative schedules, block schedules, gifted acceleration, remedial tutoring,- you should be easily able to find it within your school district.
With enough parental pressure, Natomas Unified and every district in the state could easily meet these needs. If only the administration would stop saying "No."
Saturday, July 12, 2008
When the bad air isn't enough, take some poison with that!
What's about to be dumped on your house? Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids. To find out more read this. While pyrethrins may be easily excreted by most mammals, they are considered highly toxic to most fish, tadpoles, beneficial insects and many invertebrates. Those mosquito fish used to eat the mosquitoes in backyard ponds? Dead...
We've written about this before when the vector control bombed our house last year. So much for the beautiful organic garden we're growing in our backyard. Our opinion has not changed much from 2007. The spray is overrated and the health risks are too high to continue after a summer of bad air anyway. In last year's post, we discussed colony collapse and other risks to insects and fish.
Vector control officials are unable to say where or when they'll spray just yet, but it's looking like Elk Grove and the Pocket will be first. If you do not want to get caught by surprise, sign up for email alerts so you can at least have a minute to bring your pets in.
Links of interest:
Stop West Nile Spraying Now
Organic Sacramento
Don't Spray California
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Things to do when it's too hot outside to do anything
*Free and Nearly Free Stuff*
Library Family programs are a fun way to make someone else pay for your air conditioning- Tuesdays at South Natomas Library at 6:30 pm are Family Game night
Thursdays at Central Library at 2:30pm are kids movies
Thursdays at 4pm North Natomas library has different performers and activities for kids
City pools are an easy and cheap way to keep cool! Adults are $2, under $17 is $1. Look at the City's website to find the one closest to you.
Regal Cinemas free family film festival. You can enjoy a family friendly movie every Tues/Wed at 10am throughout the summer.
Need to exercise but can't go outside? Try one of the local malls for an air-conditioned walk! Arden Fair has a Mall-Walker program with prizes and events. While you're there, look into the Arden Fair Kids Club. This weekend, see a kids' magician at Arden at 10am!
If you've never seen the Crocker Art Museum check it out this Sunday! Free hours are available from 10am to 1pm each Sunday, courtesy of Bank of America. If you don't mind the admission fee, Saturday features a family art program from 12pm to 3pm, including a family tour of the museum.
Up for a road trip? Head to Fairfield for the free Jelly Belly tour! Adults and kids will love this tour which includes a birds' eye view of the factory floor and free samples.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
More thoughts on last night's meeting...
I sat up and started thinking that Lisa Kaplan, Ron Dwyer-Voss and the rest of the board, should have been sitting on the stage instead of Mayor Fargo last night. How is it that a bunch of high school aged kids are committing crimes during school hours and the school district seemingly holds no responsibility for that? Where was the district's security team last night? Shouldn't most of those kids have been in school? Inderkum's graduation was 6/12 and I can't find the date but I'll bet Natomas' was close to that. So for the first two weeks of the crime spree, these thugs should have been the responsibility of NUSD.
In the long run, I'd like to know if the brats that Captain Hahn and his team have arrested are NUSD students. I'd like to know if they have attendance problems and if they have been appropriately processed by their schools. I would find it shockingly hard to believe if these guys were all good students that had somehow slipped under the radar. More likely, year after year, NUSD dropped the ball again.
I'm reminded of an incident about three years ago at the park next to Natomas Park Elementary School. I had my son there and we were playing in the sandbox early in the day. A younger boy (about 2nd grade) was swinging on the swings and waiting for school to start. Two 5th grade boys approached the boy, yelled at him, swore and used horrible language. They got up in his face and looked as though they may punch him. I immediately intervened and the older boys laughed and walked off. I grabbed my son, walked the younger boy to class and went to the office to report what I'd seen.
The school secretary refused to talk to me. She said that incidents in the park are not their problem. I showed my district ID, identified myself again as a district employee and asked to speak to the principal. No luck. I got a counselor who asked me to look through a yearbook and identify the kids but too no notes, made no attempt at doing ANYTHING. Great no bullying policy...
Absurd. Those two boys are probably now, or will be soon, perpetrating these crimes. No adult had ever held them accountable and their school didn't seen to care either.
Monday, June 30, 2008
A brief overview of the police meeting in North Natomas
I feel 100% confident that our police are doing everything they can to solve the policing problem in Natomas and they are working hard to catch these robbers. Chief Brazil and Captain Hahn left me feeling that they are busting their butts to get this thing put away. Natomas Buzz will have information tomorrow on what you can do to protect yourself.
However, their hands are tied by a lame city council and mayor that need to be on the curbs as soon as humanly possible. Fargo and Tretheway contributed absolutely nothing, not one iota of useful commentary or information. Complete fluff, political stunt and garbage. I don't think anyone would have missed their presence.
Fargo's huge blunder of the night, I believe, was showing her true colors. She snapped at an audience member who asked what the city was doing to hold banks responsible for dilapidated properties that are drawing crime. Fargo snapped
"You can't blame the city for foreclosures, that's the feds."
More on why we CAN and SHOULD blame Fargo for the foreclosures and how to report code violations tomorrow.
Oh and thanks to Kevin Johnson for making an appearance at the meeting, observing and listening without making a show of his attendance. Professional, polite and exactly what I'm looking for in a mayor. He didn't need the stage to show his concern.
In the quest for information...
Ray Tretheway (your city council member for Natomas!) has not updated his press release pages since 2006. That's right, an entire year and a half have gone by without any updates. Has he sent out press releases that haven't been added or is there really just nothing to report? I started a tour of Ray's links and realized he has not updates his calendar of events either. Or his online newsletters.
Now you may be saying to yourself: This isn't Ray's fault of course... the City is likely responsible for the information on that page and they haven't gotten around to it. That's all fine and dandy until you get to this disclaimer:
In order to further the effective electronic exchange of information and views between the City's residents and their elected representatives, the City of Sacramento provides each individual member of the Mayor and City Council with a page on the City's Website. The contents of this page have been chosen by the individual councilmember, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the City of Sacramento, its Mayor and Council, or other individual councilmembers.
So Ray has actually chosen to not update his pages?
Aren't we supposed to be a technology friendly city? And our own city council can't provide remotely timely information on their websites?
In case you missed the big announcement that I was looking for:
6:30pm, Inderkum High School Theatre
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Take that North Natomas!
That's right folks. The NUSD believes it can best serve the community by placing a group of students who need psychological services, have been expelled and have massive attendance problems right on your brand new elementary school! The Natomas Community Day School will, of course, be a heavily supervised well run program. Because we've seen the district is so good at that. (Can you taste the dripping sarcasm yet?)
For some unknown and unpublicized logic, the district is no longer interested in using the Sacramento County system of Community Day schools that are already established. They say they want to keep these students closer to home for easier reintegration. I believe it's a justification for a massive junior high school that will stand unused this year because of NUSD's poor financial management.
Despite what their information says, this is not "scare tactics." I have personally been the assistant vice principal at an alternative school where nearly all of my students had parole officers and had been in and out of juvenile hall. I'm not "scared" of these students and they deserve every opportunity to recover from years of bad parenting.
However, even I wouldn't be as bold and ignorant to put them on an elementary school campus and then promise the public that everything is fine because they'll be supervised. The things I've seen would shock any adult and not things you would ever want your adorable kindergarten son walking into in a boy's bathroom.
If you have a child who will attend Allen Hight Elementary or you live in the Creekside neighborhood or the far west side of Natomas Park, I suggest you get on the phone today and begin screaming and yelling about this decision. As best I can tell from old board agendas, the district waited until school was out to have a public hearing (on June 19th) and review the proposal. Their supposed "higher ratio" of teachers to students only includes a budget for one teacher and one social worker/administrator. That's a pretty bad ratio for a one room campus of troubled students.
I agree with the idea that Natomas students would be best served by a community school in our area. However, it makes the most sense to either put it on Natomas High's campus or locate it at Discovery High. Sharing resources and facilities with a school that is already equip to deal with older students makes the most sense. Instead, the district has chosen to do what it usually does- make a hasty last minute decision that is illogical and lacks vision.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What is going on in North Natomas and where are the police???
If you're in Natomas Park, call Paladin Security immediately if you see anything out of the ordinary. Do not hesitate, do not wait and do not intervene yourself. They have a much, much faster response time than the police in Natomas. Pathetic, disgusting and yet totally true.
Email Heather Fargo, anyone and everyone at the city and try the Sac Bee while you're at it. Then go outside and sit on your porch tonight. Knock on your neighbors' doors and get to know them. Share a cup of iced tea and chat about how smoky the air is. You need to know who stays home during the day, who is available in an emergency and who is watching your stuff when you're gone!
When you're done freaking out that your own garage is not safe and would like to stick your head back in the clouds, check out Rick Kushman's new column "The Good Life" all about life in Sacramento. While I appreciate his bubbly enthusiasm, I'm busy checking my backyard for armed robbers.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Join PunditMom and the $27 election revolution
Or you can change the world. Simple huh? Money talks in politics no matter how much hope, change, idealism or fanaticism gets pumped into the system. It's all about the money in the end.
PunditMom is working on just that idea. If women (and men and anyone who cares!) took just $27 and poured it into a candidate he/she believed in, we could really and truly change the world. Maybe you don't have a presidential candidate who has won your heart and you're not excited about whether it's going to be Johnson or Fargo for mayor. You don't have to be- you can find the one person that makes YOU excited about the world and gives you hope again. Perhaps it's a local school board candidate, an assembly candidate who is down in the polls or your next door neighbor who would be amazing at any office but doesn't think he can pay for it.
Cough up your $27. So you stay home from Target once this week. You can do it.
I did.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
It's hot- you need ice cream!
Love the idea of all you can eat ice cream and want to do it again? The Sacramento Zoo's Ice Cream Safari is Saturday, July 26th from 4 to 8pm. This feast features all you can eat Baskin Robbins ice cream and Coke products, live entertainment and great bands, face painting and more fun for the whole family. Our favorite part of the Ice Cream Safari is the Giraffle- you can win some amazing and fun prizes all while supporting the zoo.
While we're on the all you can eat theme, adults will also enjoy the King of Feasts at the Zoo. Enjoy live music while dining on exquisite samples of delicious Sacramento food, dessert, wine and beer. Tickets are $50 for non-members and children are allowed but discouraged.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Save money and have more fun locally!
Got kids? Don't worry, the River Cats planned for that too and have lots of fun kids' packages, events and activities.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Things to do around town this weekend
If you love your pets or you're looking for a new one, don't miss the SPCA Doggy Dash! If you don't want to do the run/walk, check out Pet Fest 2008. All events take place in Land Park so remember that the I-5 closure may affect your travel.
Desperate to avoid I-5 mess if you live on the 50 corridor, how about a Renaissance Faire in Lake Tahoe! Print an online coupon to save $2 and have some fun!
If you're in the North Sacramento area or Roseville area, check out the Maidu Interpretive Center or the Aerospace Museum of California. Also out that direction is the Magic Circle Theatre's version of Sleeping Beauty.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Important questions left unanswered in the mayoral race
Perhaps it is time the Bee took a serious approach to journalism and started asking some hard hitting questions. I've been thoroughly impressed with the research and detail that Joe Sacramento has put into these questions and I strongly encourage you to email Mayor Fargo (hfargo@cityofsacramento.org) and ask her these questions yourself. A few of Joe's best and my favorites:
In the 2008 State of the City address you disagreed with the Corps of Engineers’ AE flood zone designation, and stated you felt the levees were “strong as ever” —-yet in the KCRA debate with Johnson you agreed with him that we are in fact in severe danger of catastrophic flooding, and you were working hard with agencies to bring the levees up to 100, then 200 year flood protection levels. Can you please discuss the conflict between your two statements?
When members of the Metro Chamber recently complained that you were not responsive to their emails and inquiries, your response was that your job was complicated, and that your limited staff “triaged” requests daily–a word that paints a picture of a frantic hospital emergency room. If your office is so inundated with inbound help requests and questions from folks in our city who need your help, how do you justify missing 125 days of work since Oct 2005?
The NNFF (North Natomas Financial Plan) is said to be in flux now, and residents have heard that a $36 MILLION rebate to developers is even being proposed. Residents in N Natomas are paying EXTRA for amenities and public safety measures that were promised to them in the master plan for the area. What can North Natomas residents expect in terms of your commitment in seeing these broken commitments repaired? And, is it true that a $36 MIL rebate to developers is on the table?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Summer Sanity Saver- Free movies!
Regal Natomas and Market Square Arden, Laguna Village and Olympus Point Roseville schedule:
06/17/2008-06/18/2008 | Rugrats The Movie (G) |
Nancy Drew (PG) | |
06/24/2008-06/25/2008 | Rugrats In Paris: The Movie (G) |
Shrek The Third (PG) | |
07/01/2008-07/02/2008 | Charlotte's Web (G) |
Flushed Away (PG) | |
07/08/2008-07/09/2008 | Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (G) |
The Second Junglebook (PG) | |
07/15/2008-07/16/2008 | Wallace And Gromit (G) |
Hook (PG) | |
07/22/2008-07/23/2008 | Muppets Take Manhattan (G) |
Stuart Little (PG) | |
07/29/2008-07/30/2008 | Everyone's Hero (G) |
Bratz (PG) | |
08/05/2008-08/06/2008 | Adventures Of Pipi Longstocking (G) |
Alvin And The Chipmunks (PG) | |
08/12/2008-08/13/2008 | Doogal (G) |
Are We There Yet? (PG) |
Friday, May 23, 2008
Things to do around town this weekend, while avoiding the Jazz Jubilee
*For families-
Check out Garbeau's performances of Alice In Wonderland. Saturday matinees fit perfectly into the day!
Sacramento County Fair runs May 22 thru May 26th. Admission is free, parking is $8 and carnival wristbands are $20. There's farm animals, concerts, dancers and a Demolition Derby too!
*Date Night
Splurge a little and get tickets to see Phantom of the Opera at the Community Center. It's a date sure to impress, particularly if you lead into it with a reservation at a great restaurant. Check out Open Table to see what's available.
Phantom tickets out of your budget but you still want theatre? Try B Street's Around the World in 80 Days or Measure for Measure at UC Davis.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Save your sanity, book summer camp now!
If you have suggestions to add, please comment!
Preschool and Kindergarten Level
Early Childhood Learning Center of Natomas - A variety of themed camps and kindergarten readiness camps.
Sacramento Zoo- Little Ducklings class for preschoolers and themed half-day kindergarten camps
Fairytale Town- Themed camps available for kids 4 and up.
Kindergarten and Elementary School Level
Sacramento Zoo- Half day and full day camps for kids through junior high
Fairytale Town- Camp available for kids up to age 10
Effie Yeaw- Nature themed camps available for kids from Kindergarten through grade 5
Sacramento Country Day School- Academic, recreation and sports camps all summer long
Discovery Museum Science Center- Science and Space camps for kids ages 7 through 11
Crocker Art Museum- Art camp and classes for kids 5 through 17
Explorit Science Center- Themed science camps for kids 5 and up
The Bounce Spot- Jumping, jumping, crafts, jumping and more for kids 3 to 12
Elementary and Middle School Camps
Hornet Sports CSUS- Variety of sports camps including football, volleyball, soccer and tennis
International Gymnastics Center- Gymnastics, field trips and more for kids 5 to 12
Peak Adventures- Outdoors, rafting and more by Associated Students of Sac State
City of Sacramento- Classes and recreation camp all summer
Sacramento Theatre Company- Theatre camp for kids in 1st through 9th grades
Walking G Ranch- Overnight horse camp for kids ages 7 through 16
CSUS Aquatic Center- Aquatics, swimming, crew, rowing, jet ski, sailing and more
Gibson Ranch Horse Camp- Horsemanship camp for kids 8 to 18
Camp Augusta- Overnight camp with a few spots left for summer for kids 8 to 16
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Traffic woes again... June will be even worse than you thought!
As we've previously noted, the Fix I-5 project will cause major traffic delays throughout town. You can also add to that:
*Work on the Howe Avenue Bridge, with lane closures M-F 8:30am to 4pm
*Closing West El Camino at Northgate to rebuild the bridge. Why do you care? These people will be rerouted to Arden-Garden, one of the major diversions for the I-5 project.
*Replacing the median barrier on the Cap City freeway. This is supposed to take place at night but as with any construction project, there are leftovers in the morning. There will be traffic signs, cones etc. and the lookey-loos will slow down even more.
If you don't have a plan... you'd better find one. You have 16 days!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
How will you get to work?
According to the project schedule press release, beginning Friday, May 30th at 8pm, all northbound lanes of I-5 from the interchange to Richards will be closed. Yes... closed. As in, NO you can't go that way. Friday, June 13th at 8pm, the reverse will happen and all southbound lanes (except 2 lanes for J Street exiting only) will be closed.
This is going to make a major mess of downtown. Even if you usually don't drive anywhere near I-5, your routes to work will be more crowded. Please make sure you have an alternate route worked out. If you can, talk to your boss about working an alternate schedule, biking, telecommuting or simply going on vacation!
Links to help you plan your routes:
North Natomas Transportation Management Association
Sacramento Regional Transit
Fix I-5 Page
Sacramento Regional Travel 511 Info
Amtrak Capitol Corridor
Mayoral Debate Tonight
Friday, April 18, 2008
Things to do around town this weekend
*UC Davis Picnic Day- Saturday. The parade ceremony begins at 9am. Kids events, cooking demonstrations, animal shows and so much more follow. If you've never been to Picnic Day, with or without kids, you really have to check it out. Parking can be difficult so plan ahead. Most events are free of charge and parking on campus is free for the day.
*Farm, Friends and Fairytales- Sunday. Take the kids to Fairytale town and celebrate California's agricultural history. Kids will make ice cream and see the process of food from the farm to your table.
*Meet Kevin Johnson- Land Park Block Party- Saturday, 2pm. Go find out for yourself if the hype is for real.
*Bodies Revealed- You've got two weeks to see the all the gore and strangeness before the exhibit moves on.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mayorial Debate- set for May 7th at California Museum
People have complained that Kevin Johnson would not agree to a debate. Perhaps those complaining should have waited a few weeks to give Johnson a chance to get his campaign up and running, to develop policy and position statements and to form a campaign team before whining.
I find it entirely reassuring that Johnson wanted to take time to have details before entering a debate. It's not interesting or informational for anyone for a candidate to debate by saying "I will have a policy on that." We want to see and hear actual information. In recent weeks, Johnson has issued a crime plan that lead to the endorsement of the Sacramento Police Officers Association. These are the kinds of details that I want to see.
Fargo's own website (which is new) does not talk about the future. She takes credit for many accomplishments of the past, most of which were team efforts or efforts of the city manager that she rubber stamped. We all know what's happened in the past, we were here. I want to know what her plans are for the future.
So Mayor Fargo and all the candidates running for office, since you've agreed to debate, I challenge you to lay out a 5 and 10 year plan for the city. I want to see your vision. I want you to specifically address:
- Plans for Railyard Development
- Plans for downtown and K street redevelopment, including what to do with the big holes left in the ground from failed projects
- Flood control and how you will work with SAFCA, the feds and environmental groups
- Crime control and fire control plans
- North Natomas development
- Lightrail and DNA line development
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What did you do with my radio?
According to this post on Sacramento for Democracy, the radio station was having trouble supporting the format. Despite very strong ratings and a large listening community, ad sales just weren't making the profits required to keep it up and running. So while not too long ago Sacramento had two progressive talk radio stations, we're down to none. You can still get conservative talk on two stations here in town but progressives have been sent scouring the net for podcasts and live broadcasts.
Pathetic. In an election year where we have to make major decisions to guide the direction of our country, we can only hear one side of the talk. Don't give up- the information is available you just have to find a different outlet. Air America has listen live broadcasts for most shows including Randi Rhodes, Thom Hartmann and Rachel Maddow.
While you're listening live, send an email to Air America and let them know we're here and still wishing to listen. Even if you're a conservative and you never turned on the station once, part of free speech means opportunity. If you can't find it and you can't hear it, it's not free... the Chinese also have free speech... as long as they say what the government wants.
Friday, March 28, 2008
KJ's on the cover of Sactown
Does it mean Johnson is perfect? No. We have some concerns still about properties in Oak Park that have been left relatively unattended. But one man cannot do everything on his own and essentially, the city has left Oak Park to him.
Johnson brings change, hope and idealism to the city. He is bold and not afraid to ask, with friends in high places. He personally begged Howard Schultz to open a Starbucks in Oak Park and promises to bring big dollars and big names to town. We're in love with his plan to actually use our rivers to our advantage a-la San Antonio and Portland, instead of ignoring them. We are inspired by his plans to develop downtown faster and we believe that he will not take no for an answer.
Most impressive is Johnson's commitment to education and his follow-thru. This is not a guy who talks big and then disappears. St. Hope has made a major difference in the lives of nearly 2,000 kids- kids who Sac City Unified was not serving to the best of their abilities. Earlier this year, in partnership with the M.I.N.D. Institute and UC Davis School of Education, St. Hope opened the Triumph Center for Early Childhood Education. This center effectively makes it possible for kids from 3 to 18 to benefit from St. Hope's extraordinary vision.
You have just a few weeks to make up your mind for mayor. Get Sactown's April/May issue and we're certain it won't take you that long.
It's nearly Jazz Jubilee time and boy do we have a great surprise for visitors!
Now if you're not a jazz fan, this is a perfect weekend to flee town as fast as possible. 2008 is shaping up to be the worst- make reservations and get out of here now! Why?
News and radio keep saying that the Fix I-5 boat section project is scheduled to begin in late May. We see on the Fix I-5 website that they are going to make sure the downtown sections are open during the Jubilee. However, they don't say specifically when construction will begin or when the "set-up" will happen. Considering their press conference right by the boat section on March 17th about 30 min before the St. Patrick's day parade in Old Sac completely messed up traffic for at least an hour, I have little faith that they're going to think this one all the way through.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Things to do around town this weekend
See great Shakespeare without the Ashland prices- Natomas Charter School's Performing and Fine Arts Academy does MacBeth this weekend. General admission is $16 and group discounts for 5 or more tickets is 15% off. Support local theatre and be truly wowed by the talent of high school students. You'll think you're in a professional productino.
Hear beautiful music- Catch the Regina Carter quintet. If jazz and classical violin is your style, you should be at Mondavi Center tomorrow evening.
Watch robot wars- If violins aren't your style but you still want to go to Davis this weekend, check out the FIRST robotics competition at UC Davis.
Hunt for eggs- Take the kids out and hunt for eggs at local parks. Or go really nuts and head to Rancho Cordova for a huge egg hunt, live music, craft fair and more.
Sample a spot of tea- at the Fair Oaks Library. If you have the kids, check out one of the many library storytimes at libraries around the region.
Friday, March 7, 2008
KJ's in and Fargo swings and misses
We're still working on an in-depth profile of Johnson that we should have completed soon. In the meantime, here are some important links.
A map and listing of KJ's Oak Park Properties
Ongoing stories relating to Kevin Johnson:
October 2007 Neglected Properties
October 2007 Triumph School for Early Childhood Education
December 2007 Sac High keeps its charter
Important Links:
Sac High
St. Hope Schools
St. Hope Development
My biggest concern is that Fargo has already gone negative. Doesn't Sacramento deserve a campaign that focuses on the issues, based in fact and reality and gives voters a true picture of the candidates? Fargo needs to get a campaign manager who will fact check everything that goes out the door. We're a few days into a campaign and inaccuracies, incomplete stories and misrepresentation of the truth are already leaking out. Let's talk issues. Let's talk flood control, crime, development of the railyard and North Natomas, doing something about K Street and the big holes downtown. Let's talk about educating Sacramento's kids who are falling behind their counterparts in other cities and states.
Mayor Fargo, if you want to talk about personal fallacies, you'd better make sure you can back it up with fact and can accept the same in return. It goes both ways. Don't go all Hillary on us whining about how people are picking on you and then plant lies in the media about your opponent.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Entertainment and Events this weekend in Sacramento
*Things to do with kids*
Dr. Seuss Read-a-thon at Fairytale town, Saturday from 11am to 3pm. See Francie Dillon, play games, make crafts and read lots and lots of stories.
Arden Fair Kids Club Science Wizard, Saturday at 10am. Hit the mall and entertain the kids, then have lunch or sneak in some shopping for yourself.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, B Street Theatre, Saturday and Sunday, 1pm and 4pm. Introduce the kids to theatre the easy way- at B Street! The show is intended for kids 6 and up.
*Great Dates this weekend*
Food for Thought, Sacramento Public Library Foundation Authors on the Move series, Saturday at 5pm. A fundraiser, silent auction and dinner to benefit the library. Dave Bender will MC andnearly 40 popular authors from the area will be in attendance.
Blue Line Gallery Grand Opening Exibition, Roseville, through May 3rd. See the latest and greatest art gallery in Roseville. Showing Art and Illusion: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Foundation.
Picnic in a Park, anytime. The weather is perfect for a late afternoon picnic. Pack it at home or visit one of our favorite picnic-packing spots like Sellands, Corti Bros, Trader Joes, or just get cupcakes from Babycakes!
*Getting ready for spring*
Sacramento Home and Garden show, through Sunday. Do something about that mess of a backyard, plan a gorgeous outdoor kitchen, learn about sunrooms, SMUD energy conservation programs and much more. Plus your spouse will think you are making an effort and stop yelling at you to do something!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Natomas lightrail DNA line is back on?
There has been volumes of debate about the cost, the time, the location and probably even the paint color they use on the trains. But the reality of the situation is, a big city needs alternate modes of transportation and a way to get to the airport. If Sacramento wants to truly be a "green city" we must have a light rail system that is functional, quick and reliable. It makes no sense to me that the original light rail line didn't include an airport stop.
I've heard the comments about putting the tracks on Truxel and the dangers. That's just more bad planning on the city's part and a lack of foresight. I don't agree with the RT plan of where to run the line, but that doesn't mean the entire plan is bad. Running the line down Truxel increases transportation to the high school, the South Natomas library, Arco and to shopping areas. It's not the best idea, but it will work. RT can increase safety by monitoring the area, particularly around the high school, where traffic tends to be a younger, less safe group of drivers and pedestrians.
I also think the prediction of lowering car traffic from Natomas by 1% is simply shortsighted. As traffic increases to downtown, parking costs and gas rise and the economy bounces around, RT has no idea what will happen. If the schedule is convenient, passengers are safe and trains are clean, people will ride.
Also not factored into this 1% is out of town travelers. It would be a huge bonus for the Sac CVB to be able to sell conventions with light rail to the airport. As it currently stands, convention visitors have to rent cars or use buses (RT or private) to get downtown. I'm already envisioning a huge green living and sustainability convention that requires no cars or buses to get around. The tax dollars spent will be worth the return when the convention center, downtown hotels and shopping, restaurants and other tourist locations start to fill up.
On to the most hysterical part of this entire debate. As we have commented before, bus service to Natomas is nonexistent on the weekends. RT had to supplement their own bus service for public open houses because people couldn't use RT to get there:
"RT will offer supplemental bus service on Route 11 from downtown Sacramento to the open house at Inderkum High School on Saturday, February 9. Buses will depart from 3rd and J streets every 30 minutes from 9:07 a.m. to 11:07 a.m. The last return trip from Inderkum High School to downtown Sacramento will depart at 12:10 p.m." (from the RT press release here)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Great things to do around town this weekend
* Bodies Revealed *
If you haven't checked out Bodies Revealed yet, now is your chance. It's a bizarre assortment of over 200 bodies on display. Learn more about human anatomy then you ever wanted to know. Open through the end of April.
* California Museum for History, Women & The Arts *
Check out Maria Shriver's pet project this weekend. You can see the California Hall of Fame, including original prints by Ansel Adams, Tiger Woods' golf clubs and more. The museum also features several other exhibits about California history. Open Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 12pm-5pm.
* Watch the Oscars *
Do something amazing and spend Sunday with the Capital City AIDS Fund in their Oscar Night party at the Hyatt. Enjoy a great party, check out the Oscar fashions and do something good for the city all at the same time.
* Visit a new Sacramento area restaurant (or new to you) *
Have you been to Ella Dining Room or Paul Martin's American Bistro? Perhaps a more casual joint serves you better like Suzie Burger, Hot Rod or Chicago Fire Pizza. Looking for dessert? Try Sweeties, Babycakes or for a more exotic flavor try Mochii.
Want to get out of town for the weekend? Copia is featuring Death by Chocolate: The Ultimate Chocolate Tasting. Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. Tickets are $45 general admission, $35 Copia members.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Super Tuesday is coming- get out your sample ballots!
My thoughts? I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Peace and Freedom or whatever. You HAVE to vote. It is your civic duty and responsibility as an American to vote. And frankly, if you don't vote, you can't bitch about it later. If you feel like there aren't any candidates you can support, at least write in someone you can.
If you're in Sacramento County- click on the following links if you need help election day:
Polling Place Lookup
Absentee Instructions
Election Day Info
Not sure who to vote for yet or need research? Visit Project Vote Smart for biographies, voting records and campaign finance information.
Just a reminder, in California, if you are a registered Independent or a Decline to State voter, you can ask for a Democratic ballot. If you don't, you can only vote on propositions this time around. The Republicans do not let others vote in their primaries so you're out of luck there. If you want to vote in the Democratic Primary, you have to ask when you check in for a Democratic ballot.
This year I feel really inspired and can't stop telling all my friends about Barack Obama. I worked for the Clintons in 1996 in their women's outreach office and on the inaugural committee in DC. But Hillary just isn't convincing me that she has Bill under control or that she is ready to take on the world. Plus the crying? Ugh. Yeah that'll work well in meeting with Musharraf. Obama has the power to inspire and motivate millions of Americans to make our country great again. He had it right on the war from the beginning. He knows what it takes to get things done and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. I'd be proud to have him as our President.